Covid-19 hit Per Martin hard

My healthy physique saved my life “It wasn’t until the doctor at the hospital came into my room and asked me, ‘if I was afraid to die,’ that I understood the severity of the problem. I had never before had…
My healthy physique saved my life “It wasn’t until the doctor at the hospital came into my room and asked me, ‘if I was afraid to die,’ that I understood the severity of the problem. I had never before had…
«Johns story»… John Goodnow is an American Teacher and Actor, and his story is both exciting and valuable. During the fall of 2018, John became increasingly ill and his doctors discovered that his heart was failing. “This led to a…
– I became health healthy overnight.. At Laila Aakvik, about to turn 80, training three times a week is almost unbelievable. It surprises her even more. Unbothered, she sits and tells us about her past expierences, cancer operations, pain and…