First Grandchildren, then comes the Ironman.
Einar S. Koren (59) understands the seriousness, or he began too when he joined the Evibase clinic back in 2018. “I had an office next door, so I eventually found myself coming in to take a look. It’s no doubt that I found myself in the typical midlife crisis; After the age of 40 I found myself sitting on the couch more than getting out and exercising. I was overweight, but luckily did not experience any major sicknesses. A ski trip every once and a while helped me hide it. Nevertheless, my lifestyle disease was right around the corner and my genetic likelihood of diabetes and obesity was likely my first signal. On the first of September I found myself in the clinic weighing 119 kilos. I have never looked back! It acted as a major turning point in my life,” explains the lively 59-year-old.

First and foremost, it is his eight grandchildren that are the happiest with “Gubbens” transformation. “I have three biological children and my wife Torill has two. These five have added eight new members to our family. They will all have the world’s best grandfather, with more on the way. Whether they want to go paddle on the canoe, go skiing, or whatever their heart’s desire, the answer will always be yes. When I was growing up, my Grandparents were never not in there rocking chairs. I want to be one of my grandchildren’s friends, whatever the activity. This acts as my motivation to keeping up with my exercise routine,” Einar explains. He has lost up to 25 kilos and has a biological age that would make it hard to be allowed into nightclubs. Furthermore, his risk of lifestyle disease has decreased significantly.
The big challenge
Even though grandchildren and reducing the risk of lifestyle disease were Einar’s most important goals, he has begun to upwardly adjust his goals after the positive results. “I have really taken this seriously and it is a rare occasion when I don’t train 5-6 times a week these days. I have less weight to lug around, more energy and better food intake. With those factors combined, my next goal is to complete an Ironman, before it is too late. My current plan is to complete it the year that I turn 60. I might have to delay it to 2023, but it is definitely on my bucket list. Guaranteed.” Einar’s goals seem ever so much more attainable every time we see him on the treadmill. For those that don’t know, an Ironman is a 3.8 km swim, 180 km bike ride, and a 42 km run. It is no joke.

Currently, Einar is a practicing nurse. However, he has subsequently gotten a degree in pedagogical education, and now teaches companies about the positive effects of leading a healthier everyday life. Furthermore, he works as a drug tester in his free time. “I have observed and registered how badly they affect someone’s quality of life. After they becomes pensioners, many are in need of care after a few years. I’ve always been good at convincing people to better their lives but have probably overlooked aspects of my life, which may have increased my risk of lifestyle disease. This was until the day I decided that enough was enough. Quality of life has a tremendous effect on your daily life. Everything from setting daily goals, increasing patience, bettering your mood, and the ability to handle stressful situations much better compared to before. It is no exaggeration to say that my daily life has done a complete 180 degree turn.” Now he tries to find the game in everything, the same man who previously had a risk of lifestyle disease.
No ascetic
It is important to clarify that Einar does not live like a Tibetan Monk, but he tries to find everything that life has to offer. “I eat everything and love to make food. The biggest difference is smaller portions and more options. Before, I often ate four meatballs with vegetables every now and then. Now it is two meatballs with plenty of vegetables. Furthermore, when the weekend rolled around, I used to drink 5-6 beers, eat a bag of chips, and watch TV. I now find myself at the gym on Fridays. I still eat chips and beer, but my focus has completely shifted to exercise and training before I can relax. New habits have been introduced,” Einar explains. His roots are from Ammerud, where his mother of 94 is still living there. Still as sharp as can be.
Those of us who grew up in the neighborhood were really interested in basketball, with a big indoor court. An unusual sport in Groruddalen. “I played basketball into my high school years, but never had the size, or agility to be a starter on the A team. Norway’s best team at the time. My former P.E teacher from Bredtvet Gymnasium, former tennis legend Per Hegna, told the whole class that I had the agility of a pizza. That didn’t really give me any motivation to continue my basketball career,” Einar Koren, the former drug tester laughingly tells us. He used to work for Anti-drug Norway from 2011-2014
A little Lars Monsen..
That was back then. His former gym teacher would probably be impressed by where Einar is now. “I have recently been a part of radical expedition north. It was a wonderful expierence, even though we traveled in -20 degree weather from Mylla to the ice-cold cabin in the woods. I completed the ‘adventure’ with my good friend and mentor Knut Ole Myrberg. The ski trip was over thirty kilometers, and we had primarily had hot dogs and coke to eat and drink. You are able to eat like that when you burn all those calories. Knut Ole has become a big help in preparing me for my future Ironman. I have been recommended to complete it either in Kalman or in Copenhagen. The routes/trails are much flatter, letting an old man like myself get all the way to the finish,” Einar tells us. He says he probably has a couple more “Lars Monsen” expeditions left in him.
However, first and foremost the most important thing is to follow up regularly with the grandchildren, in order to minimize their risk of lifestyle disease. “My oldest daughter Ida lives by Raufoss and has 3 very active youngsters. With them I want to be there to watch them play handball, play soccer and mountain bike with them. I also have Thea who is 17, who currently plays handball in Follo. I will be a training partner for her and a supporter for the rest of them. I will not be a Grandpa in a rocking chair with camphor drops, mocha beans and blankets. I want to be a Grandpa in exercise tights!” Einar Konar ends his story with, “I was overweight, but turned my life upside down to find the new and improved version of myself!”
Good luck with the Ironman Einar!